We respect Your concerns about privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information We collect about Our consumers (including You), how We use the information, with whom We share it and the choices available to Our consumers regarding Our use of the information. We also describe the measures We take to protect the security of the information and how You can contact Us about Our privacy practices.

In the spirit of ensuring that all Your information are safe and that We are transparent about how We collect, store and process them in adherence to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality, We created this Policy to help You understand Our data protection and security measures, in compliance existing data privacy rules.

This Privacy Policy governs Your access and use of the www.vjewelryshop.com (the “Site”) and forms part of the Agreement between V! (“We” or “Us”) and You, the end-user (“You”). Please read the Terms of Use for more information.

By using or accessing the Site, You warrant that understand this Privacy Policy and accept it fully.



We collect the following personal information when You access or use the Site, place orders on the Site, sign up for Our newsletter or other offerings, and when You contact Us through the Site.


Personal Information We collect so We can process Your orders:

  • Full Name
  • Contact information (phone and mobile)
  • E-mail address
  • Shipping address (residence, ZIP code, country, state, province, city)
  • Billing address (building, street, ZIP code, country, state, province, city)
  • Credit card information
  • Credit card number
  • Card Verification Code
  • Expiry date

Personal Information We collect so We can include You on Our subscription list (newsletters):

  • Full Name
  • E-mail address
  • Country

Personal Information We collect so We can show the nearby stores:

  • User’s current location (via desktop computer/laptop/mobile phone GPS)

Personal Information We collect so We can improve Your experience on the Site:

  • Location data (such as geolocation of device used to access the Site)
  • Machine information (IMEI, IP address, MAC address)
  • Cookie information
  • Account Username (if signed in)
  • Account Password (if signed in)
  • Analytics
  • Customer service number (if available)
  • Date and time of visit
  • Comments, feedback, other submissions
  • information We may obtain from Our third-party service providers; and
  • other personal information We obtain through Our channels

We use cookies, web beacons (including pixels and tags), web server logs and other technologies that collect certain information about You by automated means through Our online channels, including when You visit the Site, interact with Our e-mails, or interact with V!-related ads, content, tools, widgets or plug-ins. You can learn more about these technologies and how to manage Your preferences by visiting Our Cookie Policy.

The providers of third-party apps, tools, widgets and plug-ins on Our online channels, such as Facebook “Like” buttons, also may use automated means to collect information regarding Your interactions with these features. This information is collected directly by the providers of the features and is subject to the privacy policies or notices of these providers. To the extent permitted by applicable law, We are not responsible for these providers’ information practices.



The collected information is utilized solely to:

We use the personal information We obtain as described in this Policy and rely on a number of legal bases to do so as described further below, including:

  • performance of the Agreement with You;
  • Our legitimate business interests;
  • compliance with a legal obligation, a court order, or to exercise or defend legal claims; or
  • Your consent to the processing, which You can revoke at any time.

We use the information We obtain to perform Our Agreement with You or to take steps at Your request, including to:

  • Send You the latest news and updates on V! products and events through email newsletters;
  • provide You with jewelry that You might be interested in based on products which you have viewed or purchased before;
  • transact with You and provide various products and services to You;
  • display items available to You based on Your location
  • course payment through PayPal and allow You to proceed with transactions
  • process, fulfill, and ship orders in connection with Our products and services and keep You informed about the status of Your order;
  • provide customer support (including repairs and other services);
  • provide You with a list of boutiques available in Your area, and
  • create and manage Your account with V!.

We use the information We obtain on the basis of Our legitimate interests, which We can describe further upon request, including to:

  • operate, evaluate and improve Our business (including developing new products and services; enhancing and improving Our services; managing Our communications; analyzing Our products and customer base; performing data analytics; and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions);
  • reduce credit risk and manage collections;
  • verify Your identity;
  • send You promotional materials and other communications (including thank You notes, special occasion reminders and other communications from sales professionals with whom You’ve engaged);
  • communicate with You via email, postal mail, phone and other means about, and to administer Your participation in, special events, contests, sweepstakes, programs, offers, surveys and market research;
  • protect against, identify and prevent fraud and other unlawful activity, claims and other liabilities;
  • comply with and enforce relevant industry standards, contractual obligations and Our policies; and
  • respond to Your inquiries.

In addition, We process Your personal information to comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements to which We are subject and for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

We also use the information in other ways for which We provide specific notice at the time of collection and obtain Your consent to the extent required by applicable law.



To ensure the confidentiality, integrity and security of Your personal information, We strictly enforce and maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information You provide against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.



To the extent permitted by applicable law, We typically retain personal information We obtain about You for as long as it is needed (1) for the purposes for which We obtained it, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, which generally means that We will keep Your personal information for the duration of Our relationship or as long as You keep Your account open with Us; or (2) to take into account applicable statute of limitation periods and comply with mandatory applicable laws. To the extent provided by the law of Your jurisdiction, You may request that We delete Your information or restrict the processing of such information by contacting Us as indicated below.



We do not disclose personal information We collect about You, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We share personal information with service providers who perform services on Our behalf based on Our instructions. We do not authorize these service providers to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on Our behalf or comply with legal requirements. Examples of these service providers include entities that process credit card payments, manage and reduce Our credit risk, verify information, fulfill orders, and provide web hosting, analytics and marketing services. We also share Your personal information within the V! Group for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

In addition, We may disclose information about You (i) if We are required to do so by law or legal process, (ii) to law enforcement authorities or other government officials, and (iii) when We believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity. We also reserve the right to transfer personal information We have about You in the event We sell or transfer (or contemplate the sale or transfer of) all or a portion of Our business or assets (including in the event of a merger, acquisition, joint venture, reorganization, divestiture, dissolution or liquidation).



If You wish to have access to Your personal information in Our records, or You think that such personal information We have of You is incomplete, not up-to-date, or otherwise inaccurate, You may get in touch with us at the contact information provided below.

We offer You certain choices in connection with the personal information We collect about You, such as how We use the information and how We communicate with You. To update Your preferences, ask Us at any time to remove Your information from Our mailing lists, exercise Your rights or submit a request, please contact Us. You can also unsubscribe from Our mailing lists by following the “Unsubscribe” link in Our emails. To the extent provided by the law of Your jurisdiction, You may request access to the personal information We maintain about You or request that We correct, update, amend, or delete Your information, or that We restrict the processing of such information by contacting Us as indicated below.

Subject to applicable law, You have the right to receive, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, the personal information that You have provided to Us about You, with Your consent or based on a contract to which You are party. You have the right to have this information transmitted to another company, where it is technically feasible. You also may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in Your country if You are not satisfied with Our responses.

Where provided by law, You may withdraw any consent You previously provided to Us or object at any time on legitimate grounds to the processing of Your personal information, and We will apply Your preferences going forward. This will not affect the lawfulness of Our use of Your information based on Your consent before its withdrawal.

To exercise Your rights, please contact Us. To help protect Your privacy and maintain security, We may take steps to verify Your identity before granting You access to the information or complying with Your request. To the extent permitted by applicable law, We may charge a reasonable fee to comply with Your request if We find it to be manifestly unfounded or excessive, or in case of an access request, in order to provide You with additional copies of the personal information We maintain about You.

When You use Our Online Channels, both We and certain third parties (such as Our advertising networks, digital advertising partners and social media platforms) may collect personal information about Your online activities, over time and across third-party websites. Certain web browsers allow You to instruct Your browser to send Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals to websites You visit, informing those sites that You do not want Your online activities to be tracked. While Our Online Channels are not designed to respond to all types of DNT signals or similar mechanisms from browsers as there is no common, industry-accepted standard for doing so, when We recognize a relevant DNT signal, We aim to suppress the third-party tags that are used to recognize Your computer once You navigate away from Our site and which are used to present You with Jewelmer advertisements.

In Our Cookies Policy, We provide information about how You can manage Your cookie preferences and the choices You can make in connection with the personal information We collect about You through automated means. To learn more about managing Your preferences in relation to the data We collect on an automated basis, please visit Our Cookies Policy.


More Information

If You have questions or inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact Us through one of the following:

Email: info@vjewelryshop.com
Customer Hotline: +63 945 192 4218

Updated as of 05 May 2020